
How Often Should You Blog?

One of the many things that puzzle newbie bloggers is how often they should blog. Is it best to blog once a week? Or will blogging every day be more effective?

Frankly, there is no right or wrong answer to how frequently you should blog. It solely depends on how consistent you are and how tight your schedule is.

It is safe to say that I have tried out some of the most popularly used blogging frequencies in the short while that I have been blogging. I have blogged semimonthly before; I have blogged three times a week, too, and there was a time when I was blogging every day.

Every blogging frequency I have explored has its pros and cons and I hope that by sharing the pros and cons of two blogging frequencies that are mostly used by bloggers, you will decide which frequency works best for you and be consistent with it.

A). Blogging four times a week or daily.

What are the benefits of blogging more frequently? And what are the disadvantages?


1. Google indexes your site fairly quickly.

If you blog as frequently as blogging daily and consistently, Google will send its bots to crawl your site more often.

Popular sites, like Huffpost and Bella Naija, usually have their posts and articles indexed almost immediately they publish them because they publish quality content very frequently. As a result, they have a high ranking and domain authority.

You can imitate these blogs by publishing two or more articles every day, if you can manage, or you can opt to publish just one article every day. I will be frank with you, though: It. Is. Not. Easy.

2. You will engage your followers.

Blogging more often keeps your readers glued to your blog and makes them anticipate your next article. Although, this only works when your content is helpful and of good quality. Nobody will anticipate your articles if they are terribly boring and unhelpful.

3. You will likely get more traffic.

This isn’t always true, but the odds are that the more you write, the more people will visit your blog.

Then again, it depends on the quality of your posts. You can’t create content that even you won’t find helpful and expect your readers to keep coming back for more. It won’t work.

4. You will challenge yourself as a writer.

Perhaps the best thing about blogging daily is that it challenges you to deliver more content as a writer. Not everyone has the creative fuel to write and edit interesting articles every day, but you can surely become that good at writing if you challenge yourself to consistently blog daily.


1. You may run out of ideas soon.

Blogging daily or many times a week can be exhausting, even when you have a writing prompt as motivation. Saying you want to blog daily literally means you want to create nothing less than 365 posts every year!

Do you think you can manage to pull that? How long before you run out of blog post ideas and join the league of inconsistent bloggers?

No doubt, some bloggers can do it effortlessly – they are wonderful like that. But can you do it without stressing yourself out?

2. Your articles may be of poor quality.

Like I said in the point above, if you decide to blog every day, it is likely that you will run out of ideas soon enough and start producing content that is as significant as the “K” in “Knife”.

Last time I checked, there are over thirty million blogs in existence, and if you’re going to stand out from the crowd, you’re going to have to create unforgettable content for your readers. But if posting every day will stop you from doing this, then it surely isn’t the right blogging frequency for you.

B). Blogging once or twice a week.

How effective is blogging weekly? Is the saying, “less is more”, true for blogging? Let’s find out.


1. You will likely produce quality content.

Many bloggers publish one post every week and are still successful bloggers today. Jon Morrow usually blogs once a month, yet his blog gets massive traffic daily.

You can be just like these bloggers and you will be like them if you spend your time writing your posts rather than procrastinate and come up with excuses later on.

If you commit to write one post every week, you will have all the time in the world to research on the topic, write the first draft and edit it to your taste. And unless you are not good at writing, you are busy, you are having a writer’s block, you are ill or stressed out from work, you may have no justifiable reason to produce bland content.

2. You will have more time to promote your posts.

THIS is the sweetest thing about blogging weekly. You have all the time to promote your posts and generate impressive traffic to your blog before getting started on your next blog post.

However, it is essential that you use an effective promotion strategy. Promoting your posts on social media is effective to an extent, and there are various other effective ways to promote your blog posts. You just have to pick the ones that take less effort to yield more results and stick to them.


1. Your blog will probably have less traffic and engagement.

This isn’t always true anyway, but it is mostly always the case. If you blog as often as once a week, it is likely that your readers won’t anticipate your next post. In fact, I won’t be surprised if they forget you exist until the next time they see your latest post.

If you are going to blog weekly, while using the “free time” to promote your posts, use it also to interact with other blogs.

Don’t just publish your articles and disappear. Visit other blogs, read their articles and leave honest, not spammy, comments.

I am not saying it will increase your engagement, but who knows? It just might. The bloggers you interact with and their readers might feel like reciprocating the gesture and visit your blog. It gets even better when they share your posts to social media and their followers visit your blog.


Like I said earlier, there is no right or wrong answer to how frequently you should blog. If you have the kind of stressful job I have, there is absolutely no way you can manage to blog daily. Even Superman can’t live my life and consistently blog daily.

But if you are a newbie blogger, I would advise spending more time promoting your blog posts than publishing them all at once. You can’t write for a nonexistent audience now, can you? Thus, it will be more effective if you post twice weekly and spend more time growing your blog.

Personally, I prefer to blog three or four times a week, with all the attractive benefits it has, and the only reason I am blogging inconsistently now is because of how busy I am. I explained in this post.

Now, I try to blog once a week and unfortunately, I don’t even have the time to promote my posts. I blame my tight schedule, though.

Anyhow, decide what frequency works best for you, stick to it and blog consistently.

Don’t forget to subscribe to my blog by email to keep track of my posts.

Thank you for stopping by.

Stay productive always!



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18 thoughts on “How Often Should You Blog?”

    1. Seconded! Not every blogger was cut out for daily blogging. Similarly, some people have a lot to say and can’t restrict themselves to blog just once a week. We just have to find which schedule works for us and be consistent with it.

      Thank you for reading, Renard!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Very solid points in every way. But, then you have a guy like me. How do you quantify the quality or impact of poetry. I had someone recently suggest that maybe I should keep some of my poetry to myself. After the ouch of that, I shrugged it off. I do want to have poems that are meaningful to people. That being said, my poetry is a lot like my music that I used to constantly score, mainly for me. I would love be published some day. But, having lost something like 20 books previously by keeping it to myself stored away and then someone else flying into a rage, I lost every thing I had written. Better I think to just put it out there and hope some might like what I do? Not sure my comment is helpful to your post. But, I do love reading the thoughts of others and considering what they feel about something of this nature. Thanks for sharing your perspectives!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, your comment is more than helpful to my post. Just like I told Renard in the comment above yours, some people have a lot to say and can’t restrict themselves to blog once a week or even less often than that. You are one of those people.

      I follow a few poetry bloggers and I’ve discovered that every one of them blog daily. Some even post four or five times a day.

      Don’t listen to anyone that suggests you keep poetry, your thoughts and opinions to yourself because that totally contracts the idea of blogging. We blog to voice out our thoughts and interact with people from all across the world, don’t we?

      Write on, my friend! And thank you for sharing your personal experience.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, it’s the same with me. My traffic is the highest when I post more often. But I guess, the greatest challenge to posting consistently is running out of ideas. That’s very bad for traffic.

      Thank you for taking your time to read and comment, Lauren.

      Liked by 1 person

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