
Why Bloggers Should TOTALLY Encourage Hypocrisy

As with most of life’s problems, the issue of low readership can be solved with a simple display of dishonesty. Being the avid reader that I am, I happen to follow a lot of blogs. But of all the bloggers that I’m currently following, my favourites are the ones whose posts are sprinkled with lies and inconsistency. They always make me feel special somehow.

Can you imagine how touching it is to see bloggers who don’t know me personally compromise their credibility just to help me — poor, insignificant me — become a better person? Of course, it’s possible that these bloggers don’t care about me, at least not primarily, and that in their zest to amass a large following, they simply formed the habit of telling their readers what they want to hear, even though they neither trust nor act on the advice they dish out.

But even if that’s the case, this still speaks volumes about how little these bloggers value their credibility, and how much of it they’re willing to sacrifice just to add value to the lives of their readers. If this isn’t heroism, then I don’t know what is.

Come to think of it, which of these two bloggers are you more likely to follow? The boring nerd who only talks about the video games that they actually play? Or the ardent meat lover who only preaches about why you should stop eating meat, then goes on to share some vegan recipes that they swear are nice, even though they’ve never tried them out before?

I would go for the latter because, unlike anyone in their right mind, I appreciate being lied to. As long as the lie encourages me to eat healthier, blog smarter, or become more productive, I’m totally fine with it. I guess this is why most people look up to bloggers who share advice on how to reply to comments but don’t reply to the few comments their readers leave them anyway. After all, nothing says “I’m credible” like a blogger who acts in ways that don’t align with what they preach and isn’t ashamed of it.

While it’s a constant struggle for me, I’m consistently working on building my confidence to the level of these fearless, successful bloggers. And, perhaps, you should too; not just because it would help you grow a thick skin to shun constructive criticism, but also because lying is clearly the fastest way to build an audience for your blog.

Granted, at some point, a reader would notice the hypocrisy of your actions and probably write a blog post about it. Maybe this blog post would tarnish your reputation; maybe it wouldn’t. But in the end, it won’t matter — you would have already built a large following by the time anyone who matters notices anything.

The end always justifies the means, am I right?

17 thoughts on “Why Bloggers Should TOTALLY Encourage Hypocrisy”

  1. 🤔 You have made a valid point, Obinna. The blogosphere has its fair share of hypocrites.

    Anyway, I always believed that a person should always practice whatever it is that they preach.

    And, where lies are concerned, I hate being lied to (I do not need lies to help motivate me).

    Liked by 2 people

    1. We share the same beliefs, Renard. I believe that people, not just bloggers, should practise what they preach. I don’t like it when someone deceives me and say they did it for my benefit.

      I’m glad I found a less harsh way to let out this rant that’s been eating at me for a while now. The original blog post had seemed very, VERY angry… .

      Liked by 1 person

  2. This was so creative and interesting to read. I noticed the double meaning sort of satiric 😉

    I particularly prefer to see realness in people you know. It’s just better to be yourself we can tell, most times.

    Thank you for this post I love how you come up with titles.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Grace. I’m so glad to hear that you liked this blog post, though not as glad as I am to hear from you again. ☺️

      Thanks again for the kind words. How has the blogosphere been treating you lately?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I noticed I haven’t been really active with the community here as I hardly use the app.
        I kinda do everything now on my backend url through regular browsers.
        I want that to change now I want to be a participative blogger 😀

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I know the feeling. But it’s good that you’ve decided to change for the better. Good luck with that.

          Hey, I tried visiting your blog through the link embedded in your name, but it kept directing me to your old blog, which no longer exists (??). Could please share your blog URL with me?

          Liked by 1 person

  3. I enjoyed this “different” kind of post from you.

    The article made me sad. Why? Because it’s so true. And what is worse is that it translates into real life. Just this morning, I said how I hated idiots that believed BS like that. But you know what? Maybe I am too harsh. Maybe they are not idiots. Maybe they know they are being lied to, but they prefer to stay in denial?

    Will I ever have millions of followers? I can only hope. People ask me what I am able to give up to be able to get ahead in blogging. They wonder if I will change at some point. Of course, I cannot say for sure. BUT – I have tried in real life – to be that fake person… it’s just not me. Doesn’t work. Can’t do it.

    As I read, I analyzed my behavior. Surely, you cannot be talking about me, right? I can’t imagine doing anything like that, but correct me if I’m wrong.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. First off, I’m glad you enjoyed this blog post. To be honest, I wasn’t sure anyone would like it. Secondly, I can promise you that I wasn’t thinking of you when I was writing this blog post. If you were one of the bloggers my anger was directed at, I certainly would have talked to you about it before writing this post. You know, to share my concerns with you. We’re closer than the average “blogger friends,” so I owe that much to you.

      I wrote this post because I grew tired of following bloggers who don’t follow their own advice and bloggers who blatantly lie for the sake of creating content. Normally, I wouldn’t make a fuss about it — I’d just glean whatever knowledge they have to offer, thank them in a comment and go my way. But these days, it seems like EVERYONE is doing it, and it’s becoming increasingly difficult to ignore. Or maybe it’s just the people I’m following… .

      Like you, I tried to roll with it, to keep being the fake person online, but I just couldn’t do it. It’s not my type of person. I also used to think of those people who live fake lives — those people who believe all that BS — as idiots, but perhaps I’ve been to angry to view the matter from a different perspective.

      Perhaps some of them prefer to live in denial because the ones lying are people they care about, or people they’re close to. If I were close to the bloggers who inspired this blog post, it’s possible that I might have talked to them one-on-one about their behaviour, instead of writing this shade of a blog post. I feel like I’m being biased right now. Does this also make me a hypocrite?

      Liked by 2 people

      1. You have no idea how much I appreciate you mentioning the fact that you would talk to me first. I really like that approach.

        That’s why I am so selective with whom I follow. However, I do think you’re right. I’ve actually been struggling a little with myself lately, because there are bloggers whom I used to enjoy a lot that all of a sudden changed into the ones you are talking about and I don’t understand it. I am considering following some. The thing is that I don’t like following. It seems petty. But I’m being pushed farther and farther towards the edge.

        No, I think you are entitled to your own emotions. They probably won’t even notice. And chances are, they might not even care if you told them. I’m all about talking to someone first, but then, there are times when you simply know that the conversation would do no good. Then, you just need to vent, learn, and move on.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Your penultimate sentence! That IS the gospel truth. We often expect our blogger relationships to last for a very long time, but like real life relationships, that doesn’t always happen. Friends come and go, but what stays with us is the lessons we learn from our experience with them. All we can do is hope that we’re wise enough to know when a lesson is over and strong enough to move on to the next lesson.

          In the end, I’m just glad that I finally got this off my chest using as few harsh words as possible. And I’m also glad to know that I’m not the only one who feels this way. Have a wonderful and stress-free day today, Goldie. You deserve it.


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