
How to Find Topics to Write About

With the alarming number of bloggers out there today, the only way you’re going to stand out from the crowd is by constantly engaging your readers with blog articles that are relevant to their needs. But to do this, you must first understand what kind of people your readers are — Who are they? What do they want? What problems are they facing? What questions are they asking? And most importantly, how can you add value to their lives?

It’s after you answer all these questions that you will know the right topics to write about. Even after deciding what kind of topics to write about, another problem you must overcome is running out of topics to write about. Inevitably, this is one problem every blogger faces once in a while.

These days though, I hardly ever run out of topics to write about because I’ve found so many places to draw my inspiration from. Today, I’m going to share some of these places with you, with the hope that after you read this article, you’ll never run out of topics to write about again for the rest of your blogging life.

1. Use a writing prompt.

A writing prompt is anything that was specially designed to inspire you to write. It could be a word, a sentence, a famous quote, or even an image. The writers who rely heavily on this source of inspiration are mostly the ones who write stories, plays and poems; although other writers who major on the nonfiction aspect of writing can always give it a try.

One thing I love about writing prompts is how universal and unlimited they are. For instance, ten writers could decide to write about one writing prompt, and yet each article that they write would be remarkably different from the other nine articles. This goes to show that you can get ten or even more topics to write about from one writing prompt if you’re feeling very creative.

2. Read other people’s blog posts (and your previous blog posts, too).

I’ll bet you this week’s serving of Hollandia yoghurt that you can’t search for a topic on Google and get only one search result. Our individual experiences, the unique way we think, and the unique perspective from which we view things, make it difficult and nearly impossible for any two people to write the exact same thing when they’re writing about the same topic. (I said ‘nearly impossible’ because I suddenly remembered that plagiarism is still a thing).

This is why you would always learn something new with each article that you read on a particular topic. Aside from writing your own version of the topic, I can think of three other ways to draw inspiration from other people’s blog posts.

  • You could talk about something that they said or did in their blog post. Did they pass a claim off as fact without backing it up with statistical data? Well, you could write a blog post teaching your readers simple blogging etiquettes and the dangers of misinforming the public.
  • Or . . . you may choose to contribute to their blog post — this is much easier to do when the blog post is a list, in which case you could either add to their list, or instead, you could pick an item from their list to explain in thorough detail.
  • Finally, you could critique their blog post — but do this only if you’re certain your judgement is fair and unbiased.

3. Read Quora.

If one of your blogging goals is to offer solutions to your readers’ problems, and to answer all the mind-boggling questions that they’re asking, then you might want to add ‘Read Quora’ to your daily routine. And if that isn’t one of your blogging goals, I still suggest you incorporate Quora into your daily routine.

Quora is an online platform that keeps you informed of the questions people in your industry are asking. With this valuable information that Quora freely provides, you can easily write blog posts that would tackle the problems your readers are facing; blog posts that answer all those puzzling questions they keep asking — blog posts that are truly relevant to the needs of your readers.

In the years since, Quora has become a motherlode of inspiration and information for bloggers who are running out of topics to write about and, well, bloggers who have finally run out of topics to write about. So if you happen to fall into either one of these categories, I suggest you head over to Quora right now and bask in all that inspiration.

4. Ask your readers for ideas.

There’s no shame in asking your readers for topics to blog about when you yourself are struggling to come up with ideas. Although the trick is to not seem so desperate for ideas — even if you are desperate — and to ask questions that are rather specific, and not too generic.

Instead of asking your readers questions like ‘What should I write about?’, ask questions that are more likely to elicit response from them. Questions like: What are your biggest writing challenges? What do you do when you’re having a writer’s block? What’s your blog promotion strategy like? — or similarly specific questions that suit your niche.

Specific questions like these ones always promise to provoke lots of answers from your readers, all of which can then be turned into individual blog posts.

5. Go outside and experience life!

The hunt for inspiration doesn’t always have to be an awfully boring and mentally taxing activity. You can actually find inspiration by intentionally looking for it while doing the things that you love doing during your leisure.

Things like watching your favourite TV series, hanging out with friends and family, reading a novel, playing video games . . . dancing buck naked in the rain, and so on. My leisure activities, particularly the blog posts I read and the conversations I frequently have with fellow writers and bloggers, have largely inspired the bulk of my blog posts. Your leisure activities can do the same for you. In fact, they should.

Try to wind down more often. Listen to good music, watch riveting movies, play entertaining games, meet with people (friends, family, colleagues, fellow bloggers and writers, etc) and have interesting conversations with them. Do all this while intentionally looking for blogging inspiration, and you’ll be surprised at how much of it you’ll find.

How do you find topics to write about?

28 thoughts on “How to Find Topics to Write About”

  1. These are great ways to gather inspiration. One good thing is to revisit old blog posts, and maybe re-write one! Pinterest is a great tool for finding inspiration. Also the national calendar, seeing what national days and holidays there is to write about 🙂 x

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’ve been procrastinating on rewriting some of my old blog posts that I know should be rewritten. I’m lazy like that. 😂
      But, hey, I’d never thought of your national calendar idea until now. It’s a great idea that would surely come in handy soon! (Now that I think of it, Valentine’s Day is just around the corner.) Thank you for the creative suggestions, and for reading, too. Much appreciated ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks a lot. Now I have to add Quora to my ever-growing list of things to look at in regards to my writing.

    As you know, I particularly like prompts. And for NROP, it’s the news articles that I browse through. Observing people every day helps keep the topics flowing, too.

    Have a great week!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You’re very welcome! I hope Quora helps you with your writing as much as it has helped me. I use prompts as well when I’m writing my stories, but for my blog posts, I get most of my inspiration from Quora and other people’s blog posts. I’m constantly on the lookout for more sources of blogging inspiration, but for now I’ll just make do with what I have.

      Thanks for stopping by, Goldie. Have a splendid week!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. 🙂 I do not have any issues with coming up with topics for my blog posts.

    Also, the mind is creative; it can come up with numerous topics.

    Thank you for helping others to find topics to write about.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. This was necessary, I have blocks from my indecisiveness to chose a particular topic. Most times I draw inspirations from images and my surrounding. Thank you for the tips.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re very welcome! I know first-hand just how inspiring visuals (images, videos, the environment) can be at times. They usually do a great job of fueling one’s creativity.


  5. Great tips, Obinna! I just draw inspiration from anything–conversations, observations, Bible studies, thoughts that pop in my head, etc. Keeping a list of ideas on my phone is very helpful.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree! Keeping a list of ideas is something I feel every writer and blogger should be doing. I can’t even stress how much of a help the habit can be.

      Thanks a lot for reading, Lily!


      1. No issues, I’m glad you wrote back. You’ve made a lot of good points. I’ll be writing back again with some more thoughts..

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Thanks for another great post with very worthy info, Shards.

    I suppose this is an unsolicited request for posts on your blog but, being non-tech (as you’ve read on my blog) I find the back-end of WP and SEO daunting. Is there a place you would suggest a newbie can learn about this so as to incorporate it properly in their blog?

    Another question (since you seem like an expert and a friendly one at that) is how exactly do you know who your blogging audience is? Do you look at the “about” page on each followers’ blog and try to develop an overall bio? What if you don’t have any followers yet…how does one develop an accurate picture?

    Perhaps these questions are too elementary to write about on your blog but if you have any guidance in these areas it would be MOST APPRECIATED! (I hope this wasn’t too lengthy.) No matter what, I’m looking forward to reading more of your very helpful posts! Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, there!
      I’m always happy to read your comments, and I know that I’ll never think of them as ‘too lengthy’, so there’s no need to worry. I’m a sucker for insightful comments, regardless of how long or short they may be.

      You’ve asked very interesting questions, and I’m glad you brought this up because I’ve just added your questions to the list of topics I plan to write about these forthcoming weeks. So, no, they’re not elementary at all. ‘Insightful’ is more like it, actually.

      To answer your first question, I can only think of one blog that breaks down SEO in the simplest possible way: and that’ll be Wpbeginner.

      Although I share advice with bloggers so that they can have the best blogging experience, I don’t write about SEO because I don’t know much about it to write about it. The last thing I would do is to call myself an expert in a field when I’m really only a novice. But — hey! — you should totally check out wpbeginner. Many bloggers consider this blog to be the best blog for SEO tips.

      Your question about how to discover your audience is indeed a tricky one. If you asked me, I’d say that bloggers first blog for themselves before they blog for readers. So I don’t really check my followers’ about pages or bios before writing mine. ALTHOUGH, I do ask them certain questions to help me determine what kind content I’ll write, and what specific problems my content will be tackling.

      Truth is, before you can know who your audience are, you need to first decide which niche you belong to. I’ll use myself as an example for better understanding. My niche is self-improvement, and my sub-niches (if there exists such a word) are blogging and writing. So, naturally, my audience are majorly bloggers and writers.

      It was then left for me to decide which writers and bloggers I’d be writing for: The newbie blogger? The wannabe blogger? Or the successful blogger who wants to be even more successful? True, these three bloggers have so much in common, but their goals and challenges differ markedly. The successful blogger will not need advice about finding one’s niche, whereas the wannabe blogger and newbie blogger would.

      Similarly, the wannabe blogger won’t need articles that teach you how to display sponsor ads. Yet.

      To summarise all what I’ve been saying: determine your niche first. (Once you do that, your audience will immediately and automatically present themselves to you). Next, determine which specific category of your audience you’ll like to write and blog for. After that, the next thing to do is decide which approach you’re going to take:

      Will you be a problem solver, source of inspiration, ranter, treasure trove of information or thought provoker? The list is long! As is my comment! I’m sorry about that. I guess I got carried away.

      I do hope that I’ve answered your questions to your satisfaction. If I haven’t, you’re more than welcome to make another comment.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Thanks, Shards, for taking the time to answer my questions and offer some guidance. You have brought up some very good points to think about and also allayed some of my concerns (small sigh of relief). I will stay tuned to your blog as I’m sure I will learn more about this bewildering world of blogging. (smile)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, too! Your questions have given me a lot to think about, and I’m glad I finally have something to prewrite about tonight.

      I look forward to more of your comments and blog posts, friend.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Hi Obinna!
    Long time!!

    Thank you so very much for sharing these ideas, it’s exactly what I need right now, because I am actually in that category of people who have finally run out of topics, and it’s not funny at all.
    I’ll just go ahead to check Quora out right now.

    For what it’s worth, I draw my writing inspirations from my everyday experiences, from music lyrics, from movies.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, Chinelo! How long has it been now? Two months? Maybe three?

      It’s so good to hear from you again!
      I’m really glad you found this information useful. And, trust me, I know how frustrating it is to exhaust all your topics and ideas. I hope Quora gives you the solution you seek.

      How has your blog been lately?

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Sometimes, I will just sit back and think of students problems or needs, cus my niche is Edutainment. And before you know it, alot of ideas keep coming. I will just pick problem-sooution ideas and work on it. And also, being more attentive to my environment, I got to get ideas on what to write about.


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