
My Blogging Process

Today, I’ll tell you the story behind every blog post I write, the process involved in turning my ideas into scribbles, then drafts, and finally, blog posts! There’s a blog post in everyone, every place, and every moment shared, and it seems I see this blog post shortly after midnight every day. LOL.

I have this book that’s always beside me when I want to sleep, just in case I get any ideas I don’t want to forget when I wake up in the morning, and I always get ideas! Keeping a notebook that’s just for the blog has been very helpful, believe me. I’ve seen some amazing apps, like Writer Plus, that could serve as substitute for a book and they’re also great for helping me organise my thoughts.

Idea and Inspiration.

I get the ideas of about 90% of my blog posts very late at night, when I’m lying on my bed, reliving all what I had done that day — the people I had met, the conversations I’d had with them, the places I’d visited, the things I’d done, the things I’d not done and of course, the blog posts I’d read.

Most times, I get tons of ideas and am overwhelmed by how much information my brain tries to process. Which is why I have my notebook! Two notebooks actually — one for scribbling ideas, and the other for devising blogging strategies. If you’re yet to get a book that’s just for your blog, please go get one, or better yet, get a blog planner like this one with a smooth design that Cassie is dishing out.


So I happen to have a weakness — procrastination. Eight months ago, I would get many post ideas and create a list for all of them, stating next to them, the time I wish to post them. The bad thing was that my list was a mental list, always in my head and never on a book or app so I almost always forgot them. It’s not like I’ve completely beaten procrastination now, but I should say I’m more mature and responsible than I was when I first started blogging.

Now, I turn every idea into a headline and fix them into my calendar, kind of like the idea of a to-do list. Most times, the post gets published days after its set date (blame procrastination), and other times, it comes up earlier than its set date — like this one, it’s two days earlier!


Okay, okay, I know: my blog won’t be winning the award for most-striking-photos anytime soon. Believe me, I know. I don’t have a digicam so I take pictures with my phone, and I even rarely take pictures! Most of the images I use are got from Pixabay and Shutterstock, some from other sites (that I give credit to), and sometimes, I use my bitmoji.

I wish I had a digicam, though, to make up for my phone’s poor camera quality. But even with the bad camera quality, it’s somehow difficult to get someone who’s willing to take my photos without grumbling and grunting.

Soooo…. while I pray, fast, work and save for a camera and a selfless Photographer friend, I’ll stick to Pixabay and of course, my bitmoji.


First off, I’m scared of typing my blog posts’ first drafts; I’d rather do it the old fashioned way — writing.

But there are many amazing writing apps!

Yeah, I get it, but I still don’t like using them. Why? I’ll tell you why. When I write in a book, I’m myself, like the words, my thoughts, everything just flows naturally from my heart to the paper. Whereas when I type, I find myself giving in to my phone’s keyboard’s prediction. For example, I might type: I want to…. and my phone would predict recapitulate. If I’d been writing with a pen, recapitulate would have been sum up, or recap. LOL. So I write the first draft of almost all of my blog posts, and when I’m done, I type them!

PS if you see any of my posts that looks too verbose like an English paper, just know I typed the first draft instead of writing it.


After I’ve written my draft, I type it using my favourite writing app, Writer Plus. And when I’m done, I simply copy, then paste it to WordPress where I would do the basic editing. I know they say not to obsess over typos and grammatical errors, still I dedicate much time and attention to this department. Some typos just make you look stupid.

Related: What’s Your Blogging Story?


Perhaps the final phase. Since I don’t have a laptop, I do everything concerning the blog with my phone and it can be annoying sometimes, waiting for images to load, or worse, facing something every blogger dreads — Flying words. But after my images finish loading, and I manage to escape flying words, I click on Publish or schedule the post for another day. And that’s about it, all done!

Now, what’s your blogging process like?

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36 thoughts on “My Blogging Process”

  1. Like you, I keep a jotter on my bed and a pen. ALWAYS.
    I write down the idea as soon as it pops up. I also use the memo on my phone a lot cus most times I get blog post ideas from any/everything and I need to remember them.
    Some of those make it into my blog while the others never see the light of day.
    Flying words syndrome is the worst.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. True, not all of them make it into my blog, too. It makes me think of selling some blog ideas for some money sef, as they’ll be more useful that way than when I don’t use them at all 😒
      Many thanks for reading jare 😊


    1. We all have our methods. 😂
      I have a friend who would rather write and be done with the blog post the very second he gets the idea. Like you, he tries to type right away and it works for him! His blog posts are really good, still his method just isn’t my thing 😂
      Thanks for reading, Joni. Enjoy your weekend!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. You raise a very good point about “being yourself” more on paper. I rarely do it anymore. Most of the time I just type. But I have all suggestions turned off, so that I can still be the one who comes up with every single word.
    However, I do plan on going back to writing on paper more. Somehow, it feels like my creativity is flowing easier.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You always seem so natural in your blog posts. So natural that it’s very hard to tell when you typed and when you wrote on paper, unlike me whose posts sometimes look like an excerpt from an English textbook.
      Thanks for reading! Have a productive Sunday 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I liked reading this. Writing the posts? I’ll rather write the general idea down, and then type later, but then we don’t exactly write the same kind of things, so I can understand that.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, I can understand, too. I know someone who knows someone that blogs only about her opinions on anything and everything. When the idea of a blog post comes to her, she’d just take out her phone and start typing until she’s done, before she publishes the post. She says writing first, then typing is too much work. 😂
      Well, I guess we all have our methods. Thanks for reading, Esther.


  4. This is so relatable. I always carry my blog-jotter and pen with Me, everywhere and at all times… even to occasions as weddings etc or events I might be well involved in and likely to get busy. Still I never play with the idea of forgetting a likely blog post… when forgotten or words interchanged later when i want to put down it hurts as hell. I sometimes even forget how an idea had played in my mind almost immediately as it has come if I don’t at that very instance jot it down, so how much more not jotting in the first place.
    Thanks for sharing this

    Liked by 1 person

    1. visited my aunt who stays far away. I forgot to take my jotter and my phone’s battery was dead so I pretty much couldn’t type, too. And then, it came to me: the idea of a perfect blog post. Because I couldn’t write or type it, I started chanting it like a song so I could remember it when I got home.

      Long story short, I forgot the idea after eating Christmas chicken. Yes, it was on Christmas day. 😂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Omg!!.
    But lawd, I’m fricking laughing right now.. the chanting, I’ve tried something like that before and I tell You, the song dissolves right out as you’ve composed in a flash😂😂. There was this time I actually was meditating and I put words together and mehn, had me a melodious-amazing, spirit-filled song… I was so sure I’d tape(after the meditation), I made sure to sing only that song till I finished my meditation just so I don’t forgot. In fact, at that point, I was already thinking of a music career😅😅. And guess what, it left Me- couldn’t remember even two-words put side by side. I was heartbroken! End of story- music career thoughts vanished instantly. #pheew.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Great! Post. Early on with blogging I found my self just posting to WordPress, but now I jot down my blog post ideas so I can filter my thoughts as well any research that may be need to filter my thoughts in more constructive manner to try and post more efficient content for the reader.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s very smart! I do that, too. Truly, jotting down our blog post ideas to develop later yields the best results. It’s not advisable to publish an idea in its raw state. I mean, why publish it like that when you can make it more interesting to read?

      Liked by 1 person

  7. 🙂 I enjoy writing at nighttime because I am a night person.

    And, I love to listen to electronic dance music while I write.

    I will admit that Pixabay is the place to go to for fee photos.

    Wow! I did not know that you composed your blog posts in a book and then you typed them out (That process is probably time-consuming).

    My goodness, losing the blog posts that you worked on your phone can be annoying. But, in your case, you have the written copy of your blog posts in a book to fall back on.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes! That’s one advantage of having a written copy of my blog posts. If I lose the ones I’m working on on my phone, I have an offline back up to refer to.

      And truly, it’s time consuming, but when I compare the blog posts I’ve written before typing VS the ones I typed as the ideas came, I think writing in a book first is the best option for me.

      It makes me sound original and not like a robot. 😂

      Thanks for reading, Renard!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Your process seems long, Obinna. I’m referring to the handwritten part of course; but hey, whatever works for you. 🙂

    I like everything else in your process though. Very wise of you to keep a notebook beside your bed for your after midnight thoughts.

    Great post. I look forward to your next one.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, about that handwritten part… I’ve stopped doing that 😂
      It’s exhausting, especially when I’m writing posts as lengthy as 1,800 words.
      Now, I just type and edit when I’m typing. I’ve learnt how to stop my phone’s prediction from influencing my writing.

      Liked by 1 person

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