Blogging, Life and Inspiration

An Open Letter to Bloggers Who Feel Like Giving Up

It feels so terrible to invest so much time and effort in your blog and still fail to achieve any results. But it feels much worse when you’ve been blogging for quite some time — say, a year and six months — and your metrics (traffic, views, comments, post shares, etc) are nothing much to write home about.

I know how horrible that feels — this is my story.

Sadly, I have lost the zeal to blog these past few days and it’s mostly because I’ve been obsessing over my blog’s stats. As often as not, I compare my metrics to how they were last year and even the year before; while this year’s stats are better than that of previous years, I still feel like my blog hasn’t made any significant progress. Sometimes I wonder if I’m just wasting my time blogging.

You know, it got to a stage when the only thing motivating me to blog was the fact that I have come a long way to quit now. But having that mindset as your ONLY source of motivation would do you no good. A time will come when you will feel so frustrated with everything and be forced to take the easy way out — calling it quits.

Some of my blogger friends noticed that I haven’t been blogging as often as I normally did, and they wanted to know why.

I told them why. I explained everything to them, and I’m grateful that they could all relate to my experience.

During my conversation with one of them, she revealed that she could tell from my last two blog posts that I am no longer enthusiastic about blogging. She said that those two posts lacked the elements (humor, enthusiasm, etc) that are usually present in my posts.

Do you agree?

Can you tell that someone has lost enthusiasm for writing or blogging from his write-ups?

Anyway, the good news is that I won’t be quitting blogging anymore (at least not this year). And it’s all thanks to some good friends who reignited my passion for blogging again.

So I coined out four pointers from all the helpful advice that my friends gave me. I would like to leave them here for any blogger who feels like giving up on his blog. I would also like to leave them here so I can refer to them should I ever feel like quitting again.

4 things to do when you feel like giving up

1. Remember why you started blogging.

I started my blog to connect with people from different walks of life and share my thoughts, ideas, and knowledge with them. I hoped that by sharing the little I know, I would also learn from them and see their different perspectives on several topics.

The thought of becoming an authority in a niche or two, growing my influence, and inspiring others intrigued me. All of these opportunities that blogging promised were what prompted me to start Shards of Bards.

And it has been a beautiful journey so far, regardless of the challenges that I’ve faced on many occasions. Thanks to my blog, I’ve encountered some people that I now consider as good friends: the kind of friends that I would invite over to drink some juice, play chess, and maybe watch some movies while we’re at it.

Remembering the reason why I started blogging in the first place was my wake-up call. It was what slapped me out of the illusion I was under. After my friends reminded me of the reason behind my blog’s existence, I decided to eliminate any habit that was fueling my self-doubt.

Which brings us to the next point.

2. Stop comparing yourself to other bloggers.

There are three major reasons why many bloggers give up blogging:

  • They are too concerned about their blog’s stats.
  • They are yet to achieve their blogging goal.
  • They keep comparing themselves to bloggers who are doing better than them.

The third reason is usually the case because the first two reasons revolve around it. You won’t think your blog’s stats are poor until you see someone whose stats make yours look like shit. Likewise, it’s so easy to feel discouraged when you find other bloggers who have blogging goals that are the same as yours but have achieved them in no time.

I remember how sad I was the day I discovered that the amount of traffic I get in a month is nearly what my friend gets in just two days. The fact that my friend and I started blogging the same year made the pain more excruciating. It made me feel like I wasn’t good enough, like I wasn’t cut out for blogging.

But when I thought about it, I realised that my friend and I are so different: We blog about different topics; we have different schedules (mine is busier, by the way), and we use different strategies. These are just some of the factors that contribute to how different our progress rate is.

One thing I’ve learnt is that we all have different definitions of success. For me who wants to connect with many people, I’m concerned about the number of ACTIVE followers I have and the number of comments I get on my blog posts. In one word, engagement.

For my friend, it’s the number of ebooks he manages to sell. And since his readers hardly ever buy his books, he thinks of himself as a failure. Ironic, isn’t it?

According to my definition of success, he is successful, but he thinks otherwise because success means something else to him.

This taught me a lesson:

We are all so different. We have different schedules, routines, styles, strategies, and goals. Thus, it’s not wise to compare ourselves to one another. Rather than compare ourselves to each other, we should study each other’s growth and learn whatever we can from our blogging journeys.

3. Examine yourself and your blog.

“Do not give up blogging because of a problem that can be solved.”

Examine yourself and your blog. You’ll find that the reason you want to give up is something that can be solved. No problem is unique — many bloggers have been in your shoes before, and most of them scaled through that phase eventually.

You, too, can! You need only decide to keep fighting till you achieve the results you want. You might think you have tried everything, but that’s only a lie. There are still loads of strategies you can try out. You just have to sit back and think. Think, then decide to give it another try.

4. Accept the hard truth about success.

I have realised and accepted that success isn’t something you can achieve overnight — it is something that takes a great deal of time, effort, and commitment to attain.

It is okay to feel discouraged. Every blogger who is successful today passed through this difficult stage at some point in time. There was a time when they, too, struggled to get much traffic and achieve their blogging goals. But they only succeeded because even though the idea of giving up was so appealing to them, they didn’t give up. They fought tooth and nail to see that they succeeded.

The rate at which we progress vastly differs. While it might take you a year to attain success, it might take me five years. But the fact that it takes me longer to succeed doesn’t make me a failure. We all have different due dates for our success.

One thing I can’t deal with is regret. I would hate to wake up every morning with the thought that I would likely have succeeded if I hadn’t been quick to throw in the towel. Feelings of regret drive me crazy.

THIS is one of the top reasons I decided to keep blogging. After all, the only way to find out if I would do well as a blogger is to find out, right?


Special Thanks

I want to use this opportunity to thank you for reading this post up to this point. I also want to thank everyone of you who read my blog posts (and comment on them). Seriously, you guys are the best!

I was going through my old posts yesterday — posts written as far back as 2017. I read some of the comments those posts got, and I was smiling all through the time I was reading them. Truly, I’ve come too far to give up now. I’m only grateful that I realised this before making a mistake I would have ended up regretting.

The End?

Usually, I suck when it comes to concluding a blog post. And this blog post isn’t any different. I suppose it’s best to leave you with this mind-boggling question that I’ve been asking myself for a while now:

In your opinion, when is the right time to give up blogging?

47 thoughts on “An Open Letter to Bloggers Who Feel Like Giving Up”

  1. As with everything else in life, blogging will have moments of fruitful harvest and moments of drought. I think that’s healthy, because it’s a balance. I had recently gone through a dry spell. I sat in the feelings, and reflected. I read up on others blogs and commented. In the meantime, new inspiration has found my fingertips.
    What inspires you? How can you recharge, so you can return to blogging with fresh eyes? Give it a try.. Maybe you’re not meant to walk away from this.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I did the same too. During the time I wasn’t motivated to blog, I spent most of my time reading and commenting on other blogger’s blog posts. I did that just to fill in void.

      The thing is, I don’t know if I can quit blogging. I just took a week off and I was missing the blog already. I couldn’t possibly quit blogging.
      Like you said, moments like this will surely come. I want to believe that this phase will pass.

      Thanks for reading, Nova, and for leaving me with something to ponder on.


  2. 🙂 Well, Obinna, what does your intuition tell you?

    In all honesty, you are the one who should know if you should give up on blogging.

    Now, the most that I can do is tell you, “Keep on blogging,” but if the zeal for it is not there, you will blog half-heartedly or not all all.

    There are those moments when a blogger needs to take a hiatus instead of giving up on their blog (Maybe, you are long overdue for a hiatus).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t want to give up blogging. I can’t even imagine a life without my blog. I’ve become so fond of it over the years.

      The zeal is still there. It just flickers because I keep doubting myself. I keep looking for signs that tell me that I’m failing.

      I’m seriously considering taking another hiatus. But when I remember the damage my first hiatus did to my blog, I shudder.
      Or maybe I should take a shorter hiatus than the first one? I’ll give it some thought.

      Thanks a bunch, Renard.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Just when I think about him, his post pops up. You have been missed on this space.😀

    The best time to give up blogging is when your metrics is on the high side. That is when you have no tangible reason to quit.

    Two days ago, I came to a conclusion I wasn’t cut out for blogging and writing. The engagements on my posts were poor and I thought something was wrong with my writing style or niche. My stats on the other hand, fuelled my thought pattern and I was headed to “delete site” again.

    But like you mentioned, you must know the “Why you started blogging.”

    In the wee hours of this morning, I wrote my whys and purpose for writing as well as the reward I would enjoy in years to come if I don’t give up.

    Every writer faces this challenge. However, we won’t relent. Greatness awaits us.

    Happy blogging, Obinna.😁

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hah! I’m flattered, Faith. 😊

      I still feel guilty that I actually considered deleting my blog. All the years of hard work, all the friends I’ve made, all of you who read the blog… I would have lost all of these. I couldn’t sacrifice that much to achieve nothing. I just couldn’t.

      Writing down your blogging purpose sounds like a good idea. There’s something magical about how writing down things like this motivate us greatly. I’ll do that the next time I touch a pen.

      Thank you for reading, Faith! Happy blogging to you as well!


  4. I am glad you didn’t give up, and I like your tips. Success doesn’t come easy nor does it look the same for everyone. I have observed over the last year that a lot of the bloggers I follow who seem to have given up didn’t stick with blogging long enough or didn’t put in a fraction of the effort they should have. I guess people think building a following is just easy peezy…but having vague/short titles, no pictures, no social media promoting isn’t going to magically produce a large following in 4 months, haha. It takes effort, which I can tell you put into your blog.

    As for the question of when to quit, I’d say it’s time to quit if you’re not enjoying writing AND you’re not having meaningful engagements with anyone.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for the kind words, Lily. It feels nice that someone recognises the effort I’m putting into my blog. 😊

      Truly, it’s not easy to build a following. Many bloggers want to achieve this and that, but they’re not ready to pay the price: they’re not ready to put in the required effort. Pity.

      It’s funny that we share the same thoughts regarding when the right time to quit is. You should consider calling it quits when the thought of writing and blogging doesn’t excite you anymore. You should also consider quitting when you have a very poor engagement after many years of blogging.

      Thank you for reading this post, Lily!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m glad you re-evaluated your status and decided to continue. When you have something to say, say it! When you don’t, then take a break. Don’t let pressure kill your creativity. And ignore the stats for awhile. Just concentrate on your comments and the positive responses!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for this helpful advice, Jan! I believe it’s better to take a break than to give up totally. If I still feel pressured over time, I would definitely take that break. For the sake of my peace of mind.

      I’ll concentrate on the positive side of things as you’ve advised. Thank you so much!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I am glad to hear you’re not giving up. It’s true we all go through that and it’s disheartening that the internet seems to be full of ppl saying things like “how I got 10k readers in my first month of blogging!”

    I started blogging 2013, with zero plan, no real brand but just enthusiasm. Was ok but then I hit some rough times, didn’t keep to a consistent schedule and lost the few followers I’d got. It took until 2016 before I established my blog with a routine and then until 2018 before I drag my eye off my stats and stop comparing my blog to others.

    It takes a lot to do that because we are naturally inclined to view each other in competition these days.

    Your blog is a gem, your unique personality and voice so clear. I would be sad if it went away. So I’m glad your friends were able to encourage you 😊

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Wow! You’ve been blogging for six years? That is a major achievement!

      I’ve learnt so much from the comments this post have got. It seems the best way to deal with this feeling of discouragement is to have a consistent schedule, ignore your stats for a while, and stop comparing yourself to others.

      Doing all these is difficult (it requires much effort and discipline), but, in the end, it’s worth it.

      I’m also glad my friends managed to encourage me. I can’t imagine how life would have been without my blog 😊

      Thank you for sharing your experience, Ari! It really is inspiring.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I am in exactly this phase. For a while now, we’re speaking of months.
    I am not sure how it happens.
    Now when I post, I get very little likes which doesn’t improve my motivation either.

    When is the right time to give up blogging?
    When the fun is gone.
    Blogging is a hobby you can end any time.
    I got quite some critisism over the years that I have blogging. Lots of people told to not look at that, but it did spoil it for me.
    I don’t want to quit yet, but I am taking it slow.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. To be honest, I noticed you’ve been getting less likes lately (I stalk your blog 😉)
      It’s the same with me, too. It’s sad to admit that I got more likes and comments last year compared to this year. The only thing that has improved this year is my traffic… I wonder why things turned out this way.

      Maybe we’re doing something wrong? Or maybe there’s something we’re not doing at all? (I wonder)

      Truly, blogging becomes a boring, strenuous chore when all the fun is gone. When the idea of blogging doesn’t excite you anymore, it’s better to take a break from it.

      You can take a break, Andrea, but please don’t quit yet. I know it’s selfish of me to ask, but, hey, you can’t blame me. I really do enjoy reading your posts.


  8. For me, I don’t think I’d ever want to quit blogging.
    Yes. I might have started blogging on a whim, I w as intrigued with the whole idea.
    See, I love my blog, I love blogging but I have to admit that the level of excitement I used to have over just opening the word press app. Now it just seems like I’m forcing myself to open the app.

    And you know what that means.

    How’d I ever write blog posts if I’m not even willing to open the blogging app.

    Is that the same as quitting on my blog?
    Now I’ve been trying to see what might have happened over the time. I’ve gone back to my old posts to see what could be the problem.

    And working on it. Steadily.
    I really appreciate your honesty in this post.❤❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Somehow, it feels like a majority of us are going through this phase.

      I love your commitment to your blog oh. 😊
      Heck, I wish I were as strong and willing as you. Perhaps would have achieved more than I have now if I had your kind of mindset.

      BTW, I think it’s normal for the excitement to die after a little while. It’s something we all face at some point in time, so don’t be too hard on yourself.

      Still, I hope you discover what went wrong.

      Thank you so much for reading. I always enjoy your comments. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Obinna, this is such a great post, you are so willing to be authentic and vulnerable with your readers and I greatly appreciate that. Blogging is hard, no doubt. I avoid my blogging statistics like the plague (they usually only discourage). You’ve made some great points here. As for when you should stop blogging, I would encourage anyone who wants to quit blogging to take a break first. During that break, do you miss it at all or do you feel only relief? If it’s the first, dive back in and try again. If it’s the second, take a longer break and reassess later on.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for reading, KaylaAnn! I’m so glad you liked reading it. Thank you.
      I’m cultivating the habit of avoiding my blog’s stats, too. I’m yet to find a greater deterrent than my blog’s stats.

      Now that I think of it, you’re absolutely right. We shouldn’t be too quick to give up blogging. Instead, we should take a break to reassess everything, and then return when we find the motivation to blog once again.
      I should tattoo this on my hand so I don’t easily forget.

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  10. I have no idea how I skipped this post. Maybe because I had a car accident the day when you posted it and so things were hectic. (I’m fine. No worries.)
    I was just Googling my name to see if my blog comes up (Google’s ranking system sucks), and somehow a link to this post appeared on the first page of the search. How perfect is that?

    Prepare for a lengthy comment.

    1. The next time you feel like quitting – email me (contact page on my blog). I will try to talk you out of it. And if not, then at least I will know that you quit (and not just vanished into oblivion).
    2. Your best posts usually have a personal note to it, and the latest ones were a bit dryer. They were not bad, but they just lacked Obinna’s touch.
    3. Most of us created a blog for fun. As a creative outlet. A place to connect with others. To share our ideas, etc. That’s why at some point we get disillusioned – blogging can be quite a bit of work. And whenever I say that I have people saying: “I blog just for fun. I don’t care about stats. I post when I want to. It’s not work.” I get it. There are people of all shapes and sizes. I created a blog just for myself, too. But then I got a taste of traffic and I never want to go back to those dry spells. I see how beneficial blogging is for my creative self. So yes, I blog for myself, but I also blog for others now, too. Yes, I blog for fun, but it’s a lot of work, too, because putting in the work produces results that make it fun. Does that make sense?
    4. You touch on some great subjects. We all say: “Don’t compare yourself to others”, yet we do it anyway. Life isn’t fair, and blogging isn’t either. You might think you have better content than someone else, and they still get more traffic/ likes than you. They might be only blogging for a couple of months, while you’ve been blogging for years. It just happens. Think about the things that go viral – Are they always so great? Could you do better? I definitely think I could!
    5. The longer break you take, the harder it is to come back. At least that’s how it felt for me. But it also depends on why you took the break. The first time I took a hiatus – March 2018 – I was travelling and having fun. It was rough to get back. Then I took a break in November 2018 and getting back was easier than expected, because I took a break to write a novel. I was just so into writing.
    6. I’ve never really thought of quitting. And I definitely never tried to delete my blog. I’d take a break and then never come back, I guess. Deleting your content is so final. What if you want to come back in 3 years? Start from scratch? I just saw a post from a guy who hasn’t blogged in months. He came back and deleted all his previous posts, because he decided to re-brand his blog, but didn’t want to lose the followers. It’s just weird. Your past is your past. Don’t erase it just to give yourself a fresh start. It made you who you are.
    7. I’ve mentioned that to Andrea – my zeal isn’t burning as bright when it comes to blogging, either. But it’s not because I don’t want to write. It’s because I am having a hard time engaging with people. Namely, finding them. When I started this blog, I had a few people I thought would be here forever, and then they left shortly after. Throughout the past (almost) 2 years, more and more people have… transitioned. They either stopped blogging out of the blue, or announced a break, came back, and then left again. You know what I mean? Those that I connect with seem to leave. That’s why my engagement is lacking. And the worst part is that I don’t engage with many, either. I need to find a new crowd. New people I’d be interested in and maybe they would enjoy my writing. But I’m having a rough time with that. I’m not sure how to do it…
    8. I’ll stop here, because this is probably longer than the actual post.

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    1. Oh my God! Did you sustain any injuries? How is your car? I hope it’s in good condition. Gosh, I am so sorry for the accident. I hope you really are fine, Goldie. Sheesh! I hate hearing things like this. Take care.

      Wait. Did you say my post made it to Google’s first page of the search!? Oh my! I have made it in life! 😂 I feel giddy with excitement!

      Okay, like you, I’m going to organise my comment with numbers so we don’t get confused and mix everything up.

      1. The next time I feel like giving up blogging, you’ll be the first to know. And that’s a promise. (Thanks a bunch!)😊

      2. Oh wow! This must mean that I have a writing voice! You know, I’ve always wondered if people could tell that I wrote a post even without seeing my name above it. I mean, I can do that for a couple of bloggers, most especially you, Andrea, Renard, and Coffee. You all have a distinctive style, so it’s not so difficult. Boy, I am glad to know I’ve got a style of my own! The “Obinna’s Touch” is a thing! Thanks for letting me know!

      3. What you said makes perfect sense! Although I won’t lie to you: I had to read #3 thrice before understanding it well. 😂
      4. You make a good point about viral content. In fact, I’ve seen tons of posts that got massive comments and likes, and I knew deep down that I could write something better if I wanted to. Sometimes, I would write something better and get relatively poor engagement. It’s a sad reality. I suppose we can’t judge how good a blogger is from the number of comments he gets on average, since many bloggers who can do better are not well recognised. Thus, comparing yourself to these popular bloggers is rather foolish, don’t you think?

      5. You’re so accurate! This is why I don’t want to take a break! For me, taking a break is as good as quitting altogether, because I know that if I take another hiatus, the chances of me returning are very slim. Any break longer than a month is a no-no for me. My blog suffered a great loss because of that three-month break I took last year.

      6. I feel sorry for that guy. He reminds me of Sim. Sim Ofutet (remember her?) When she rebranded her blog, she told me she would delete the posts that weren’t related to the topic she wanted to start writing about. She said deleting those posts was good for SEO. Although it wasn’t my blog, I felt terrible.

      If I wake up one day and decide to start blogging about a different topic, I still would NEVER delete my old posts. I cannot delete my past. It is what made me who I am today.

      7. Oh, I can totally relate. That hiatus I took in January 2018 made me realise who my loyal followers were. Some people didn’t wait for me to return; they unfollowed me. I felt sad because these are people whose posts and comments I always looked forward to. We had a nice thing going, and I had hoped our relationship would last for years! It’s such a shame things turned out differently.

      Oh, Goldie, thanks so much for this comment. I’ve taken a screenshot of your comment and stored it in a folder I call my “Inspiration Jar”. I would read this comment every time I feel like quitting. And if it doesn’t encourage me as much as it just did, then I’ll send you that email. Thank you so much for all the support! I’m still your biggest fan!

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      1. No, no one got hurt. My car is a little worse than the other one, but it still drives. I just have to pump some money into it. That’s never fun.

        I was looking for “floatinggold”, “dailyflabbergast” and “Goldie” with and without the word “blog”. I don’t remember which combination it was, but yes – that post came up. It was funny, because it had nothing to do with my name. So kudos to you for showing up even in other people’s results.

        There was so much zeal in your response. I hope that it will translate onto future blogging of yours.

        I get re-branding. But if I was to do it, I would create a new blog. Yes, it would mean that I’d have to put in all the work to get followers, etc., but that would make the most sense to me.

        You’re not the first one to tell me that people unfollow those who don’t post for a while. I’m stunned by it. I never unfollow those people. In fact, these are the safest people. I cannot follow people who blog every day 7 times a day, because it spams my Reader.

        Yes, I remember Sim… I have to say that I feel a bit bad, because her new blog is more difficult to find for me, and her content is… more sterile. Is she still blogging?

        I am honored that my comment made an impact on you. I’m here anytime. (Well, not ANY time, but you know what I mean.)

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Thank you! I’ll work towards translating this zeal onto future blog posts.

          I, too, find it hard to follow people who blog too often. It’s just hard to keep up! And the thing is, most of the people who blog so many times a day produce low-quality content; this makes everything so much worse… Spamming my reader with low-quality stuff!? Pfft!

          I follow Sim’s new blog; she’s still blogging, but I don’t see her posts in my reader anymore. I wonder why… I miss the old Sim. Her latest posts are quite formal and totally different from the style I once recognised her with. I hope that she reverts to her old style very soon. I’ll keep my fingers crossed.

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    1. You’re like the fifth blogger who is telling me this. If WordPress were Facebook or Instagram, I would have said it’s got to do with the algorithm. But it’s not Facebook.
      I wonder why our stats took a turn for bad this year.

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      1. I do think it’s WP. Last year, the period of November – February was the time when I discovered Community Pool. My views were skyrocketing (at least that’s how I felt, even though it was probably nothing compared to other people). Then I went on a hiatus, then I was busy moving, etc. and then the CP was dissolved.
        I do understand that it’s just an excuse. It was easy to do it that way, but we have to adapt to the new times. I still haven’t figured out how to present my blog on such a mass scale. But I will. I must.

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        1. Well, like they say: “If you can’t change the situation then adapt to it.” Seems like WP has made some major developments that are beyond our understanding. But we can’t change this change. We can only adapt to it.

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  11. I feel like it depends on the person when they ready to call it quits. If you feel it in your heart to continue blog then continue. Everyone has life outside of blogging. Follow ur dreams and don’t worry about the other ppl.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello, Taisah! Welcome to the blogosphere! It’s nice to have you here. I really admire your will and conviction. When the dark times come eventually, I hope they give you the strength you need to see it through till the end. Cheers!


  12. Thank you. I needed this as I just started a new blog today. I lost motibation for the old one and starting now after about a year.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It happens. We start a blog and promise ourselves to be committed to it. But life gets in the way and we lose motivation.
      I’m glad you decided to give blogging a try one more time. I wish you a successful blogventure.


  13. Interesting post. And I see you have a lot of comments from readers. That must be so enriching and encouraging! I don’t get much engagement, but my posts are a mish-mash of topics. No niche. I just like to write. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, Steeny! This isn’t A LOT OF COMMENTS! I mean, I dream of greater numbers. But yes, as little as my engagement is, it’s encouraging. Although, sometimes, my engagement becomes so low that I feel like giving up blogging. It’s hard to get back up once you’ve fallen into this hole.

      Do you have a couple of topics you write about the most?


  14. you inspired me… i am a new blogger, this is also my way of expressing my thoughts…

    When I read your blog, i learned that you must embrace your passion no matter what. Through your blog, you have no idea how you inspire newbie bloggers like me…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow. I’m so touched. Thank you, Kristin! You’ve made my day! I’m so glad that you found this post inspiring — makes me feel like I didn’t write this one in vain. 😊

      So you say you’re a new blogger, eh? What do you blog about?


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